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5 Reasons Children Need Regular Dental Visits

dentist for your kids in Frisco

As a parent, the health and well-being of your children is your top priority. It’s essential to get them off to a good start with their oral health needs.

However, despite the significance of oral health, many parents are not sure when they should start taking their children to the dentist. Before we reveal the right age for a child’s first dental visit, let’s understand why children need regular dental visits:


Children, including infants and toddlers, are prone to cavities. While there are a handful of reasons for this, infants and toddlers can develop cavities from bottles and sippy cups.

Regular dental visit can keep cavities away from your child’s teeth. A dentist can identify and treat cavities so that it doesn’t spread to the other teeth. Generally, smaller cavities are easier to treat than bigger cavities.

If left untreated, a cavity can cause a painful infection that may require tooth extraction or a dental filling.

If you want to save money, then take your children to the dentist on a frequent basis.


Once a child is about 2 years of age, they will need regular check up. Dental check up usually includes teeth cleaning and polish, removal of plaque and tartar and stains.

In other words, regular dental checkup is the answer to a brighter, beautiful smile.


You may be surprised to know that tooth decay can occur as soon as your child’s first tooth emerges. Decay in baby teeth could increase the risk of decay in children’s permanent teeth. Regular dental visit is necessary to protect your child’s teeth.

Adult teeth

Regular dental visits can ensure your child’s permanent teeth are coming in properly. Baby teeth serve as placeholders for permanent teeth. If anything goes wrong at the time of adult teeth coming, your child could end up with crooked teeth. The sooner these problems are sorted, the better.

Oral hygiene

family dentistry clinic

Teaching children the importance of good oral health is crucial. When your child visits a dentist, they can learn how to maintain excellent oral hygiene. The dentist can teach them how to brush, floss and care for their teeth.

Dental checkups are not just for resolving teeth or gum problems. Your child’s teeth can affect their confidence and self-esteem. Several studies show the link between a perfect smile and increased confidence level.

The sooner you take your child to the dentist, the healthier their teeth will be. According to American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, children should visit a dentist by 1 year of age.

Once your child’s first teeth starts growing, you should add dental appointments to your to-do list. From two onwards, they should visit a dentist twice every year.

If you’re looking for a competent, friendly dentist for your kids in Frisco, book an appointment at our family dentistry clinic now!

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