Wisdom Teeth Removal

Goodbyes can be painful—especially if it means parting with one or more of your teeth!
There comes a time in life, however, when tooth extractions are the only way out of excruciating pain in your gums and teeth. And before you let your fears take over, it’s best to consult a dentist.
When you compare the results of wisdom teeth removal with neglected toothache, you’ll quickly see the importance of taking swift and effective action.
Normally done by a dentist or an oral surgeon, wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or more of the four adult molars in the farthest ends of the top and bottom set of your teeth.
When your wisdom teeth do not have enough room to grow, they affect the surrounding areas of the mouth, including gums and teeth. This may very well result in chronic pain, possible tooth decay, infections and a whole host of related dental problems, which require immediate tooth removal and treatment.
Catering to Frisco, Little Elm and The Colony, Waterfront Family Dentistry understands the stress and anxiety of having your teeth pulled out—no matter what your age! This is why we strongly believe in making your tooth removal session comfortable and positive, putting your concerns first to give you a relatively painless treatment.
Our qualified dentist, Dr. Lavanya Rudrapatna, holds various commendable certifications in cosmetic and implant dentistry—giving you the confidence to take the first step.
Why live in pain when the answer’s right in front of you?
Schedule an appointment today and bring back that beautiful smile!